Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Donkey Test

Check out this site!  It has a test with 52 questions that will rate your poker IQ.  There are notable scores posted by poker pros and testimonials as well.

I checked out the test and it looks like really well-thought out.  I did not have time to complete it today, but I do look forward to seeing how I do in the very near future.

If you try it out, be brave and post your score and what you think of the test.



krampstar said...

i took the test and i scored 115. i'm not really sure what that means but i imagine it's good. by the way this test takes forever.

Papasan said...

Thats gotta be a typo - he must have hit the 1 twice by accident

Big Dipper said...

Well I took the test and scored 109. I guess that makes Kramper 6 points more the donkey than I.

For those that have yet to take the test - leave 30 minutes, because that's what they give you and you'll need it.

krampstar said...

okay to be 100% honest i scored 88 but to my credit i wasn't able to give it all of my attention cause i had my wife and kids bugging me throughout the entire thing.

krampstar said...

lol....i'm doing the test again because i just found out that it was a timed test...... i let it sit for 2 hours while i did a workout and dropped kids off at school before finishing it.....

Big Dipper said...

I also had family members talking through some of the test. I saw that I had 9 questions with 1 minute left so I sped through the remaining questions...I took closer to 40 minutes to complete so I'm not sure how that effects your score.

Either way it was a pretty cool test with some interesting questions.

krampstar said...

when i have time to take it again, i'll get a poker genius score. i truely am the best that you have ever seen..... and i'm being humble while i say that!

X said...


Anonymous said...

Is donkey test a scam. I took the test paid my money, and never received the test report. I sent many emails asking them to contact me and have never had a reply.

Big Dipper said...

Anon - I can't recommend or condemn donkeytest as I have not personally paid for the full profile. Given that this is a free site with the inexpensive option ($9.95) to buy the profile, I wouldn't have thought this would be a good business model for a scam. There are also testimonials from several pros on the home page and if this was a scam, or if the testimonials were false, I imagine these pros would have created a stink and perhaps sued.

I hope the folks at donkeytest.com do contact you soon with the service you paid for.


Anonymous said...

Anon- The same thing happened to me. My CC company removed the charge. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Same happend to me. Owner doesn't reply and paypal "After careful consideration, we're unable to decide this claim in your favor at this time."

No money and no test results....

Big Dipper said...

So it appears there are many people out there who paid their money and didn't receive their profile at DonkeyTest.com.

Do you remember the show True Beauty? In the show, the contestants go through the whole game thinking they were in a beauty contest about their looks. The twist at the end was that the competitions meant nothing. What mattered to the judges was only the inner beauty of the contestants. The show was about beauty,the contestants thought they were competing in one competition, but their beauty was really being judged a whole different way.

OK - I'll lead the donkey to the trough. Maybe the real donkeytest has nothing to do with how you answered the questions, but rather if you paid the money.

This is all a little harsh, in the name of a point. I do NOT think the people out their that paid their hard-earned money for a service they didn't get are donkeys, I think they deserve to be fighting mad. I do think the donkeytest may view their site the way I pointed it out above. Who knows. I do know that I don't recommend you pay a cent to this site without contacting them first to make sure you will get the service you paid for.

Good luck to all of you that posted above - I hope you get a positive resolution to this. Keep us posted here at Pass The Dip and I'll make sure to post about it.

Big Dipper said...

I just got an e-mail from Donkeytest.com offering "the Complete Personal Intelligence Profile for the sale price of just $4.98."

I guess they are still an active web-site, I can spend $4.98 on a whole lot of things more satisfying than an empty inbox...

If anyone out there in the blogosphere has paid for and has received their profile, please let us at Pass The Dip know.

krampstar said...

i too had donkeytest email me..... they told me that they thouroughly tested clayton and he is off the chart! he is the biggest donkey they have ever seen! so it is a legit site afterall!

Big Dipper said...

They did test me Kramper. It was soley based on a single measurement and yes, I am the biggest, even compared to a donkey.

On a side note, I am glad that blogger has the instant translation feature enabled for their site. I understand that your original comments are all written in Bray-ile.

Anonymous said...

It is AUGUST 7, 2012. I did the free donkeytest, and I´ve paid for the profile that I NEVER RECEIVED. They still do not answer to our e-mails. That said, I think the paid profile is a trap, and somebody should do something about it. I am not in their country, so it is more difficult to me. But this is an advice to others - don´t take donkeytest paid profile - they do not send it to you and you just discover it after asking for it many times (without a single answer). I found this site to complain after I already have paid...unfortunately...

Anonymous said...