Thursday, February 17, 2011

Officer Harvey Deserves Respect AKA People Are Gonna Get It! - Original Pass The Dip Video

In our latest original poker video installment, Gepeddo Harvey is still reeling from a poker night where everything went wrong.  He plots his revenge in a pre game chat with Clayton.

This is the link ---> Harvey and Clayton in a pre game discussion where Mike lets his strategy slip


krampstar said...

okay, that was funny..... poor gepeddophile. you just need to edit the kramp stuff and then it would be true. "kramp gas" ...... you wish. you fill up on credit cause i take all of your money. you're anxiously waiting for jen to go back to work so you can afford to pay off all of your debts!

Big Dipper said...

Brain Kramp - thanks for the heads up. I will make sure that I get someone to watch my chips when I go to the bathroom. I imagine that is what you mean when you say "I take all your money". I know that you certainly don't win it.

Big Dipper said...

I just spoke with Harv and he admitted that he hasn't been able to post a comment on this video, not because of technical issues, but rather everytime he sits down to write a commentary, he starts Bobby gets in his head and he starts shaking so violently that he can't type.