Sunday, February 13, 2011

Separated at Birth; Matchstick vs Montgomery Burns

Can you spot the 5 differences between these two pictures?

Ward AKA Matchstick...or is it?
I think this is Montgomery Burns because of the tie.

If you are trying to figure out which picture is of Ward-O, it really is  tough one.  I'm not sure which is which.  They both have recognizable foreheads, they both clasp their hands and they are both cartoonish.  I think to really figure this out we might have to call in the one person who can tell the difference between these twins...

Waylon Smithers!

Detective Smithers at your service!
Well it looks like Smithers has done it!  And it seems as though he is taking him home so Mr. Burns won't fraternize with other men...
Come along sir, that isn't the type of man you should be hanging around with...

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