Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Big Stack Bobby and Ali-G - Original Pass The Dip Video

I loved Kramp's video so I'm paying it forward and made one of my own for you to enjoy!  If you like these videos, let me know or even make one that I can post for you.

In this video Big Stack Bobby and Ali-G have the inevitable post game breakdown chat.  You will suspend your disbelief as the cartoon characters start to turn real and the script delivers what sounds like a transcript from a real conversation.  Guess what - it is! 


Alison said...

Oh my gawd!!! lol That is hilarious! I love that Bob is one wearing a strategicaly placed leaf!That's classic! Thanks for that C!

krampster said...

what the heck are you talking about.....kramp never dumps his chips to anybody! especially big stack bobby! great video clayton too bad it's still second to the one i made of you. mwhahahahahaha

Big Dipper said...

Brain Kramp, your nickname should be Dumper McDumpee with the way you blow up trying to be the big bluffer man at the table. I went to Canadian Tire last night to get some stuff for the poker game. I got you a shovel so it wouldn't take so long for you to shovel your chips in the middle and I bought some drywall to make a new closet where I can keep all the chips you dump to me. Silly Kramper - I know the axiom "Don't tap the fishbowl", but in your case, I take the fish out, stomp on it, take it's food and flush it and you still find your way back from the toilet to the bowl.

Big Dipper said...

Who you'd like to see in the next video?

-The day "The Pizza Guy" joined our game
-Gepeddo and his smack talk
-Dandy and Andy Bloch
-Tucker pushing all in with a flopped straight flush
-Lemon and a casino war dealer

Any ideas?

big stack said...

That is some funny stuff. Clayton cheated though. You are usually the info i told you behind closed doors. You promised me you wold never tell anyone that Alison slow rolled Lemon on purpose. I loved the dance segment as well. Damn i'm good.

krampster said...

WHOA WHOA WHOA, Clayton, seriously you're the one who needs that shovel with all the crap that you're spewing! i've been preparing for the next poker game so i can communicate with you better. i know english is your second language so i've been learning your mother tongue. i've learned one phrase so it goes; "heehaaw, hee hee haaaww, hee haaawww haaaawww" now, correct me if i'm wrong, but i'm sure that says, "fold you idiot i have you beat and ace high is no good".

Big Dipper said...

Kramp. Everything is not about you. Let it go. Give Bob and Ali the props they deserve for the fine acting job and let them have their moment in the sun. Ali kicks ass in this and Bobby has dance moves only seen before when you have poker seat glue and can't peel yourself from a hand to go to the bathroom, you pant-wetting narcissistic re-re-re-buying dingleberry on a donkey's bum.

On a related note - I've contacted a merchant about installing a POS (debit / credit) machine in my basement for easier payment. Should make the shovel less necessary Kramp.

Kramp, in the end, I guess everything is about you because you suck.

Dandy Bloch said...

Great video Clay
i like how bobby was dancing
and perfect leaf placement.
Ali way to stand up for your man lol

Big Dipper said...

These days Bobby is only doing a salad dance. It is way less vigorous than the cheeseburger dance.