Monday, March 28, 2011

Isildur1 VS Negreanu results from Round 2 of 2

For those of you that only check in regularly to the blog, I've been following the SuperStar Showdown between Isildur1 and Daniel Negreanu.  This was to be a 2 part heads up match with all the player and pre-game information here.  The results of the first match where Daniel was destroyed by Isildur1 can be found  here.

For the second match I checked out the results mid-match yesterday and the posts in the blogosphere were announcing another big win for Isildur1.  Perhaps they jumped the gun.  Negreanu started an improbable comeback making the match's outcome unsure until the final hand had been played.

In the end Daniel had proven that although his opponent had been running sick through the first match and the first half of the second game, he could live up to his nickname KidComeback.  Book it as a $26 500 win for the old school pro.

Here is a link to an awesome article on  This recap is exhaustive and has video replays of some very interesting hands.  It is well worth the read!

Another link of interest is  This is a quick write up by Negreanu followed by 39 hand histories.

The next SuperStar Showdown starts this Sunday and pits Isildur1 against nosebleed regular Scott "urnotindangr" Palmer.

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