Sunday, October 2, 2011

We All Took A Stab At The Kill Button And Kramp Got InTense - September 28th

On September 28th we had a poker game that included a bit, no make that a lot of everything.

It started with Nat X, Dandy Bloch, Co-Bra, Brain Kramp and I.  4 of us are comfortable playing and winning in a game where the money is flying around like it is hurricane season and Kramp is comfortable losing, so "Game On" it was!

Nat X had a great run of cards to start, although he had nothing to show for it except a small loss.  But then realized he was playing a bunch of fish (and one Co-Bra), so he laid back and collected a canoe full of checks.

Dandy was the best at getting the second best hand, which kind of sucks when only the winner wins.

Co-Bra got down early and, God bless him, resorted to the Co of old - Gamble-a-pot-u-mus reared his ugly head and the re-buy, blind shoves started.

Brain Kamp came out of the gate aggressive.  I guess he thought he would play his very best McPhilips Casino game and luck sack his way to a black mark in his Hee Haw collectable poker book he did!

I preferred to sit back and enjoy the action, ready with my bottle of tartar sauce.

As if this juiced up action game wasn't enough, we threw on the 7-2 game where you'd collect from all the other players if you won with 7 2 off suit.  And just for good measure we also played one of my favourite add ons, the Kill Button.  This is where you get a button that says 1 if you win a pot and if you follow it up with a second consecutive win, the kill is on.  The blinds double and the player with the kill button matches the big blind.  Pre-flop the money in the middle goes from 75 cents to $2.50.

Bob and Ali-G came out after the Jets game and that certainly didn't slow the game down at all.  Ali-G played solid and Big Stack stacked off.  There were lots of big hands and chips getting friction burn.

The jackpot was won again this week.  This marks the 8th time it has been won  and every time it has been by a new winner.  To check out which carrot-breath donkey dingleberry won this week, follow this link;

I have to comment on the hand featured in the last 2 pictures.  Co flops 2 pair, turns the boat - Kramp rivers a miracle two outer to sink the boat.  Not-Co's-Night.

....begin justification now...

(I guess I shouldn't tap the glass too much, Brain Kramp was kind enough to send most of Co's my way by night's end, but did I really need to tell you what you already assumed?)